IC Nguồn OB2338AP OB2338 0B2338 DIP-8 - 4903345 Yêu thích
Giá: 14,000 đ15,000đ
- AC/DC adapter
- PDA power supplies
- Digital Cameras and Camcorder Adapter
Trạng thái : Còn hàng
Hỗ trợ trực tuyến
Zalo Kĩ thuật : 0347698687 Zalo Tư vấn bán hàng : 0974314843
IC Nguồn OB2338AP OB2338 0B2338 DIP-8
- OB2338 combines a dedicated current mode PWM controller with a high voltage power MOSFET.
- It is optimized for high performance, low standby power, and cost effective off-line flyback converter applications in sub 27W range.
- OB2338 offers complete protection coverage with automatic self-recovery feature including Cycleby-Cycle current limiting (OCP), over load protection (OLP), over temperature protection (OTP), over voltage protection and VDD under voltage lockout (UVLO).
- Excellent EMI performance is achieved with On-Bright proprietary frequency shuffling technique together with soft switching control at the totem pole gate drive output.
- The tone energy at below 20KHZ is minimized in the design and audio noise is eliminated during operation.
- OB2338 is offered in DIP8 package.
- DATASHEET PDF : https://datasheet.lcsc.com/szlcsc/2004281504_OB-On-Bright-Elec-OB2338SP-H_C507634.pdf
- Hàng có sẵn tại Linh Kiện CK
- Shipcod toàn quốc
- Hotline: 0974314843
- Địa chỉ: Cầu Ba Bôi, giáo xứ Vô Nhiễm, Ấp Võ Dõng 3, Xã Gia Kiệm, Huyện Thống Nhất, Tỉnh Đồng Nai
- Website: linhkienck.vn