Kit board CH32V103R8T6-EVT evaluation board WCH-Link debugger - 4903185 Yêu thích
Giá: 360,000 đ
- Kit CH32V103R8T6-EVT-R1
- Development Board MCU RISC
- WHC-Link
- Debugger
Trạng thái : Còn hàng
Hỗ trợ trực tuyến
Zalo Kĩ thuật : 0347698687 Zalo Tư vấn bán hàng : 0974314843
Introduction of the scheme:
The CH32V103R8T6-EVT-R1 evaluation board consists of two parts: WCH-Link and CH32V103R8T6 minimum evaluation board.
(1)WCH-Link: download debugger based on CH549G, which can be used for downloading and debugging of ARM chips with SWD interface and RISC-V series chips of our company (CH32V103, CH32F103, CH569, CH573, etc.), including virtual serial port function.
(2) CH32V103R8T6 minimum system board, onboard Type-c bus, USB A bus, all I/0 ports.
- DATASHEET PDF : http://www.wch-ic.com/downloads/CH32V103DS0_PDF.html
- Hàng có sẵn tại Linh Kiện CK
- Shipcod toàn quốc
- Hotline: 0974314843
- Địa chỉ: Cầu Ba Bôi, giáo xứ Vô Nhiễm, Ấp Võ Dõng 3, Xã Gia Kiệm, Huyện Thống Nhất, Tỉnh Đồng Nai
- Website: linhkienck.vn