Vi điều khiển Microcontrollers Atmel ATtiny1614n tiny1614n 1614n 1614 (mới chính hãng) 3%

Vi điều khiển Microcontrollers Atmel ATtiny1614n tiny1614n 1614n 1614 (mới chính hãng) - 4903477 Yêu thích

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Giá: 87,000 đ90,000đ

- vi điều khiển Microcontrollers Atmel ATtiny1614n

- 10 Channel 10-bit ADC with Voltage Reference

- 8-bit Digital to Analog Converter (DAC)

- Configurable Custom Logic (CCL)

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vi điều khiển Microcontrollers Atmel ATtiny1614n tiny1614n 1614n 1614 (mới chính hãng)

The ATtiny1614 is a microcontroller featuring the 8-bit AVR® processor with hardware multiplier, running at up to 20 MHz and with 16 KB Flash, 2 KB SRAM and 128B of EEPROM in a 14-pin package. The series uses the latest Core Independent Peripherals with low-power features, including Event System, intelligent analog and advanced peripherals. The integrated QTouch® peripheral touch controller supports capacitive touch interfaces with proximity sensing and a driven shield.

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